Stop complaining and think about the bigger picture!

The past month as been hectic.

While Viz’s first release of Sailor Moon rolled out, with Right Stuf shipping 11 pallets full of them, it left some fans disappointed. Now, don’t get me wrong, there were the minority, who saw it…in a technical stand point. Majority of you wouldn’t understand what they meant by Viz “using BetaCams” and whatnot. Heck, I’m a computer geek, sitting on my desk, watching news scroll by with a single tweet, enjoying every piece of Sailor Moon news, whether it’s a new figure or any merchandise that comes out of the woodwork. But, when I see some people point the problems with a  bunch of screencaps, I sometimes cringe and ask “Why?” Continue reading Stop complaining and think about the bigger picture!

Pre-ordering Update (12/1/14)

Just a quick update, from last post…and to kick off the new month!

I went and pre-ordered the BluRay Limited Edition Volume 6! We’re now covered until Volume 6’s release of March 11, 2015! I thought I’d show you the receipt, showing that I dived in to get it covered!

P.S. The CDJapan “Double Points” promotion is still running until December 10th at 11:59:59pm Japan Time…meaning  a second before 10a ET/9a CT/8a MT/7a PT, that morning!


Pre-ordering Update with CDJapan Promotion (11/27/14)

Today, I went and pre-ordered a couple more volumes of Sailor Moon Crystal, Volumes 4 & 5, along with the 2-disc original soundtrack of the series! It’s all done via CDJapan, which is currently having their own promotion, which’ll end on December 10th.

Through CDJapan, if you order/pre-order anything, you get double points! You’ll get 500 more points, if you use their Paypal Billing Agreement, to pay for them (NOTE: you must have a CDJapan account, and agree to use Paypal’s Billing Agreement).

Anyway, here’s the invoices of what I pre-ordered! We’re good through February…maybe longer, if I’m willing to preorder more, with this promotion.

The Sailor Moon Crystal comparison site!

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